Let me begin with a short video about The Big Bang Theory. This wasn't originally what I wanted to show you. I was searching for that certain short video by BBC that our professor showed to the class but I can't find it so this'll have to do. Two minutes lost won't hurt.
'The simlest picture with the big bang starts with nothing.'

Natural Science isn't only one subject. 'Natural Science' is basically a term that holds together different disciplines that explains the natural phenomenon happening around us using different scientific methods. It is distinguished from social sciences (such as sociology and psychology) which are more primarily concerned with explaining social environments and human activity.

Natural Science branches out to astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science and physics. Other disciplines that can be found under Natural Science are  astrophysics, biophysics, physical chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, astrochemistry.

    Jen Santos

    19 year old Advertising student in UST. Amateur blogger. Full time Artist.


    Earth Science
    Natural Science


    July 2012
    June 2012